Understanding Your A-Level Results: What’s Next?
Understanding Your A-Level Results: What’s Next?

August 15th marked a significant day for students up and down the country as A-Level results were released, a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.  For many, it’s a moment of joy and relief as their grades reflect their...

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girl looking worried in exam hall
Handling Exam Stress: 8 Important Wellness Tips for GCSE and A Level Students

Exam periods for GCSE and A-level students can be incredibly stressful, not just academically but also emotionally. As the pressure mounts and nerves jangle, it's crucial to remember the importance of maintaining mental wellness.  Here are eight...

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Learning from Mock Exams: How to Analyse and Act on Your Results
Learning from Mock Exams: How to Analyse and Act on Your Results

Mock exams are the ultimate practice session for GCSEs, offering a glimpse into what the final exams will feel like and where your child might need to focus their revision efforts. If you're a parent looking to support your child through their exam...

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Black History Month: Books Written by Black Authors for Different Age Groups
Black History Month: Books Written by Black Authors for Different Age Groups

With October being Black History Month, we thought it was fitting to share some of our favourite children’s books written by black authors. From stories about brave kids and great friendships to insightful memoirs, we’ve rounded up our favourite books for...

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4 Ideas To Get Students Interested In Poetry
4 Ideas To Get Students Interested In Poetry

Finding ways to engage students’ interest in poetry can be challenging to say the least. However, poetry can be exciting and inspiring to students, especially if we find some alternative ways to present it to them rather than just using the standard poetry...

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Screen Time Isn’t Always Bad For Your Children – Here’s Why
Screen Time Isn’t Always Bad For Your Children – Here’s Why

Even though we are all aware of the dangers of screen time for our kids, it’s important to know there are actually some benefits too. With phones, computers and tablets not going anywhere anytime soon, it’s not only crucial for parents to focus on...

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A Parents’ Guide To GCSE And A-Level Results Day
A Parents’ Guide To GCSE And A-Level Results Day

Waiting for GCSE and A-Level results can be a stressful time for students and parents too. Often it can be tricky to understand what happens on the day, and what all the options are afterward, especially if students don’t get the results they expected....

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What Are Some Alternatives to University?
What Are Some Alternatives to University?

Getting a degree can be extremely beneficial for students. It can help them to embark in a particular professional field, or continue their education with a Master’s degree or PhD. However, it’s also important that they know that there are many...

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The Ultimate Reading List For Reluctant Readers
The Ultimate Reading List For Reluctant Readers

Reading is a wonderful activity for children of all ages to get involved in on a regular basis. Even though some children don’t need an incentive to read regularly, others may be much more reluctant and really avoid reading at all costs. Not only is reading...

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Ways to Increase Your Child’s Attention Span
Ways to Increase Your Child’s Attention Span

With it being completely normal for most children to have fairly short attention spans, it’s still important to take the time to try to strengthen their focus and concentration levels. In fact, according to a new study from Microsoft Corp, it’s common for...

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