Resitting English & Maths GCSEs: Key Tips for Parents and Students

The release of this year’s GCSE results in the UK left many students feeling disappointed. Changes in grade boundaries lead to more resits in core subjects like English and Maths. Despite the hard work put in throughout the year, some students did not receive the results they were expecting. This can feel unfair and disheartening, but it’s important to remember that resitting exams is common, and there are plenty of ways to turn things around.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the statistics from this year’s results, provide advice for parents and students navigating resits, and explore how personalised tuition can offer vital support during this time.

Understanding This Year’s GCSE Results

This year’s GCSE results have seen a significant shift in grade boundaries, with more students required to resit their English and Maths exams. Four in five students aged 17 did not achieve a pass (grade 4) in English in 2024, increasing resits across the country. This uptick can be attributed to the ongoing adjustments in grade thresholds to maintain standards post-pandemic.

The introduction of higher grade boundaries made achieving a passing grade more difficult for many students than in previous years. These changes have frustrated many students, particularly those who worked hard but didn’t see their efforts reflected in their results.

What to Do if Your Child Didn’t Get the Grades They Expected

If your child is facing the prospect of resitting their English or Maths GCSEs, it’s natural for both parents and students to feel disappointed. However, it’s important to remember that this is not the end of the road. There are several proactive steps that can be taken to ensure that your child is prepared for their resits and can achieve the grades they need.

1. Understand What Went Wrong

The first step in preparing for a resit is understanding why your child didn’t achieve the expected grade. Was there a particular topic they struggled with? Did exam stress affect their performance? Encouraging your child to reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement is essential in creating a plan for moving forward.

2. Set a New Study Plan

Resits can feel daunting, but creating a structured study plan will help your child regain confidence. Focus on the areas where they struggled the most and ensure they are revising efficiently. Breaking study sessions into manageable chunks and mixing revision techniques can make a big difference. Incorporating visual aids, practice exams, and interactive resources can make studying more engaging and productive.

3. Take Advantage of Extra Resources

There is a wide range of resources available for students preparing for resits, from revision guides to online platforms like BBC Bitesize and Seneca Learning. Encourage your child to use these resources, particularly in areas where they need additional support. Accessing past exam papers and completing timed practice tests is also an effective way to improve exam technique and build confidence.

4. Seek Support from Tutors

Personalised tuition can make a significant difference in preparing for resits. A tutor can provide tailored support that addresses your child’s specific needs, whether that’s filling knowledge gaps, improving exam techniques, or boosting confidence. 

At Tutor Doctor, our experienced tutors work with students to create customised learning plans, helping them focus on the areas where they need the most help. With one-on-one support, your child will have the chance to ask questions, tackle difficult topics, and prepare with a tutor who understands their unique learning style.

5. Keep a Positive Mindset

Resitting exams can be stressful, but maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Remind your child that many students resit exams and go on to achieve excellent results. Encourage them to view this as an opportunity to improve and show resilience. With the right support and preparation, they can succeed the second time around.

Options After Resitting Exams

If your child is preparing for resits, it’s important to reassure them that they still have multiple paths available, regardless of the outcome. Achieving the necessary grades in English and Maths will open doors to A-Levels, BTECs, T-Levels, or apprenticeships. Even if they don’t pass their resit, alternative qualifications like Functional Skills offer a valid route to further education and employment.

Discussing the wide range of options with your child can help them see that their future is not defined by one set of exam results. Exploring different pathways can alleviate some of the pressure and provide them with a clear goal for the future.

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel

While resitting GCSEs may feel like a setback, it’s important to remember that this is just one step in your child’s educational journey. By understanding what went wrong, creating a new study plan, and seeking the right support, your child can approach their resits with confidence. With the help of personalised tutoring and a positive mindset, they can overcome this challenge and continue on the path to success.

How Tutor Doctor Can Help

At Tutor Doctor, we understand how difficult it can be for students facing resits. That’s why we provide tailored tutoring support to help students prepare effectively and regain their confidence. Our experienced tutors work with students on a one-to-one basis, focusing on the areas where they need the most help, from tricky algebra problems to essay writing techniques. Using a combination of study guides, past papers, and interactive learning, we’ll ensure your child is ready to succeed in their resits.

Find your nearest tutor today and discover how we can support your child during this critical time to help them achieve the results they deserve. 
